I shall start with the dogs here..
there's too many of them. There's one in Pramod Da's canteen and his name is 'Goopy' which is pronounced 'Goop-ey'.. Goopy is an extremely weird dog who rarely ever moves..except when one of us has tiffin *yes, some of our classmates still get tiffin* Goopy comes out of his stupor to finish off the rooti-bhendir torkari..

Another dog, or better, another bitch, has recently given birth to puppies *duh*.. These puppies are really cute and the girls at Presi are always seen with these puppies..though their bitch of a mom is never there.
These puppies have turned into a bit of a threat for the boys of our college since the girls spend more time with them than with the boys. Everybody should take very good note of the pup with the open mouth-- one of the girls in my class, who is the most adorable 'poshu' that Presidency has, commented "He shall be the conqueror." We didnt really investigate whether the 'conqueror' is a He or a She..but based on the extreme uncouth way he's yawning we just took it for granted the conqueror is a 'He'..
*no offence meant to the males*
Speaking of Presi's poshus, I cannot possibly leave out the one I have mentioned earlier. She is, undeniably, the most lovable poshu I, or anyone for that matter, will ever hope to come across. With her caustic wit and an absolutely infectious smile she gives us one-liners that could put some of the best creative minds to shame. Following are excerpts from our conversations:
Me: We don't necessarily HAVE to vote, do we..?
Person 1: I guess not.. You could just go in and do an inki-pinki-ponki thingy na..?
Person 2: But what if you vote for the wrong party? One that does nothing..?
Her: Ekhane shob party i ek..keu chokh maare, toh keu lok maare.
Prof: *very boring lecture*
Her: Oof ki hoyeche? Sir er ki chai? Aami bolchi Sir er biye dite hobe, chol chanda tuli..
Person 3: Pritam used to be in this college, you know?
Person 2: The music composer?
Person 4: You mean music chor.
Her: Pritam.. you should call him Preety-Aam..
Person 4: You like that guy na?
Me: No. Either way he's got a girlfriend. The dude's taken.
Her: So what if he's taken.? Take him again.
Person 5: Amar nail polish ta kemon bol na?
Her: Aaj amar khub dukhho..purono flame jege uthechhe.
Her future life decisions include marriage plans after three years.
And a small tea shack where 'aantel' people come for tea, and intellectual discussions, which she will listen to, while making tea.
And a beauty parlour, duly named 'Mona Lisa Booty Parlour.'
And a small tea shack where 'aantel' people come for tea, and intellectual discussions, which she will listen to, while making tea.
And a beauty parlour, duly named 'Mona Lisa Booty Parlour.'
Yet totally adorable.
6 scribbles:
Who is Her? Jhontu? and lord, but those puppies are adorable. you're right, by the way, it probably IS a male, what else could pull off that level of goofiness? :P
yep..Her is Jhontoo..
next time you come over, i shall show you the pups..including the 'Conqueror'..
You are the girl with the pretty eyes?
dogs are more adorable in the college than the testosterone people loitering around in the campus. Hell, I am way more manly than them.
i guess so..thanx sohini.. :)
and about the testosterone people..?
its the lack of the testosterone that saddens us all oestrogen filled ladies..
lack? such an understatement. they are more feminine than us most of the girls in college. :p
you write very very well. :)
tell me about it..I fear that my status shall remain single for goodness knows how long..
thank u.. :)
and you write pretty well yourself..
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