Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bringing out the Wild in You..

A lot happened this week end..
Swarnakutika turned 19..
and Rani Salkant chose her to-be husband..
And one of the most unthinkable events took place..
My friend Anandi Roop unleashed her inner animal..

I always thought the 'inner bad girl' was one of the most cliched sayings ever. Having studied in an all girls school for the last 14 years, I've seen good girls stay good, bad girls stay bad..and girls who are both good and bad..
*Yes, they exist..they're just smart enough and never get caught*

So, basically, my friend brought out her wild side and tore into a piece of chocolate with an energy so feral that it left the rest of us gaping at her..
*this is the girl who is scared of animals..ALL animals..even cats*
Needless to say her boyfriend didn't mind..he enjoyed her inner animal and commented that he was responsible for it..Our respect for Aussie Brajagopal has subsequently gone up really high..I didn't know a boy could bring about such change in my friends, especially Anandi, who was such a goofy 'lil kid..

Another very 'important' day passed us by..
Friendship Day..
A bit of an ironic day for me..considering one of my oldest friends has forgotten our friendship..
but I made new friends..amazing ones too..as well as renewed my friendship with another friend..

to Swarnakutika- Happy Birthday..!
to Anandi- Keep the Wild alive..!
to Aussie- Dude..wtf man..?
to Rani- jug jug jiyo..phulo phalo..
to the rest of the world- Happy Friendship Week..!

*the names have been changed on request*

2 scribbles:

Trisha said...

cute! looking forward to our own friend epic anniversary tomorrow, sh y!! love ya to death.

wait, that came out wrong.

what i mean is, i feel great affecti- ah, fuck it. i do TOO love ya to death. so there, rgd.

Shahana said...

I love you to death too..no shame in saying what we feel now, is there..?

I love you both..!!

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