I wonder why it is that some people have problems with creative liberty..just because they're not as articulate with words or ideas as other people are..? My message to all those would be to sod off and get over themselves..The world would be a much happier place without them..
Anyway the point of this post was to talk about a certain understated profession that my friend is currently pursuing. She's doing architecture in JU and couldn't go out with me because she had to finish her assignment. What was the assignment..? Oh yeah..
"Draw the sixteen different types of bricks.."
It's actually seventeen..but she hasn't quite finished 'this big layout thingy yet'.. So the point is this entire situation was really funny, what with her drawing 'eets' and all..And she got really offended and gave me a 'mighty' talkin to, where she impressed upon me the importance of architects and their *cough* 'bricks'..
"If it wasn't for our bricks, then you wouldn't have a house to live in..or be able to talk to me using that phone of yours..without my 'eet' you wouldn't be able to do so much..no school, no college, no malls...."
And needless to say, I understand how important it is to appreciate the importance of a brick..that humble little red rectangle (hope i got the shape right..any architect reading this..?) which no one pays any attention to..no security, no hope, no peace, no privacy...
I shall never make fun of bricks again..
2 scribbles:
Listen, I don't know you and you don't know me .. 5 common facebook friends don't count. I'm been working my ass of for the past 3 days trying to finish my assignment, deprived of sleep and entertainment and fresh air and even sunlight. What I mean is I won't be able to give you a rational explanation as to what I'm doing on your blog, or how I got here. Please don't ask. Before you ask me to lay off and you threaten to call the cops, I HAVE TO SAY THIS.
3 years back I got the same reaction from my friends for the same "Brick Report". They were even less tolerant. "A brick is a fucking brick" was the verdict and I was a monkey's uncle. I did not wax eloquent about the necessities of a brick, nor did I make any cliched , lame references to Pink Floyd.
The point is ... architecture is an understated profession. You hit the nail, right on the head. We need to be creative, philosophical etc ( and all that arty farty crap ) and we need to balance our fluttering imaginations with constraints of technicalities. It's about our ethos. In other words, we have the best of both worlds ( or however you may look at it .. ) but architecture is this amazing world waiting to be discovered and appreciated. Just like literature and art and music. This is not a retort, nor a reprimand. I just thought I should tell you.
Do try finding out a bit :)
i mean ... i believe you sound like a person who'd be able to greatly appreciate architecture... just that
(My brain is fried from working )
( I have a bad habit of bumping my own posts )
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