Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Every time..

Every new beginning,
comes from some beginnings end.

Every time you kill me,
I am born again.

Every time you close that door,
Another door is opened.

And every time you say goodbye,
a different word is spoken.

Every time you look at me
my back is facing you,

And every time you ask to see me
I'll have something else to do.

Every time I join your game,
You're not playing fair,

And every time I really love you,
I pretend that I don't care.

2 scribbles:

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that most of your posts deal with "college, love, loss, pain". I wish I could tell you that youth is not for pain caused by love and loss, but youth IS about love it seems, no matter how you put it. Somehow more so because of our ability to struggle gloriously. Is that cause enough for hope? Who I am to know! But you love, my dear. That is enough.

Rohini said...

This is very well written. Even though the lines are short, the 'every time' puts a lot of emphasis on the emotions and feelings expressed in it.

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