“Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana. The researchers also discovered other similarities between the two but can't remember what they are.”
--Matt Lauer
So, after really long time, and a great deal of gathering of guts, I decided to go take a look at the 'tank' in my college.
What is the tank, you ask..?
It is the hallowed place, where the patakhors, or rather the druggies, gather for their daily intake of ganja, hash and whatever else there is.
After hearing so much about it, I wanted to do it too. After all, Coleridge wrote Kubla Khan when he was high, Bob Marley and Jim Morrision wrote amazing songs under the influence of marijuana. So, it couldn't be that bad right..?
I gave someone money to get it for us(and by us, I mean a few of my friends) and we waited too for the ganja, at the sacred tank. Our faces reflected the looks of girls in music videos of songs with lyrics like "saiyyaan, mohe chor ke naa jaa..." as we stared at the main gate waiting for the guys to come.
The stuff finally came and we watched transfixed as the seniors cut it up and put it into these weird thingies called 'chilams' which looked like a pipe.
Then, they began the deed. One of them,with his long hair and zoned out expression, made me wish I had my camera with me so I could film him puffing on the pipe. Truly, it was a sight beautiful to behold, with the smoke swirling around his head, almost giving him an ethereal quality.
Why am I not talking about how I liked it..?
I didn't do it.
I chickened out and felt like the mayor of loserville.
I paid for the dope but didn't have a whiff myself.
Guess I'm not as badass as I thought I was..
5 scribbles:
well written..
tym will tell
lol..guess it will..
aww. tell you what, come over and do it properly one time with these guys here. they do it classily, here :D
alright then..that is what I shall do..
dude...pata means brown sugar...a patakhor is a heroin addict. Marijuana smokers are just plain ganjakhors.
Please to keep in mind.
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